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Product Catalog# Quantity Unit Price Add To Cart
14-3-3 (N19) Blocking Peptide DB082P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
AKT (C20) Blocking Peptide DB059P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Apaf-1 (A15) Blocking Peptide DB044P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Bad (A17) Blocking Peptide DB003P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Bag-1 (C16) Blocking Peptide DB004P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Bax (A20) Blocking Peptide DB005P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Bcl-2 (A18) Blocking Peptide DB001P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
BclxS/L (A18) Blocking Peptide DB002P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
betaCatenin (C18) Blocking Peptide DB077P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
c-Fos (A14) Blocking Peptide DB025P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
c-Jun (A15) Blocking Peptide DB026P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
c-Src (A16) Blocking Peptide DB023P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
caspase-1 (A19) Blocking Peptide DB006P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
caspase-2L (C20 Blocking Peptide DB007P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
caspase-3 p20 (A20) Blocking Peptide DB008P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
caspase-9 p10 (I18) Blocking Peptide DB081P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Cbl (C14) Blocking Peptide DB068P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Cdc2 p34 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB009P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Cdk2 (C16) Blocking Peptide DB010P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
Cdk4 (C22) Blocking Peptide DB011P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
cMyc (C10) Blocking Peptide DB061P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
cyclin A (C19) Blocking Peptide DB012P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
cyclin B1 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB013P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
cyclin D1 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB014P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
cyclin E (C19) Blocking Peptide DB015P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00
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Protein Kinases| Secondary Antibodies| Signaling Intermediates| Transcription Regulation